Community Ambassadors

Meet our passionate Community Ambassadors who are dedicated to raising awareness by sharing their connection to the Mother's Day Classic.

Introducing our 2024 Community Ambassadors

Experience the stories of some of our many Community Ambassadors who have shared their story and passion to support Mother's Day Classic to raise vital funds for breast and ovarian cancer research.

Shabnam Gujadhur

Shabnam has dedicated her life to treating others, but when she received her own diagnosis of ovarian cancer just after her 30th birthday, she found herself facing a new and unexpected adversary. 

Alana Pirrone

In 1994, Alana Pirrone was just eight years old she lost her mother to breast cancer. Four years later, she started a family tradition that would span over two decades and three generations.

Ross Clennett

Ross together with his family, has participated and fundraised every year at the Mother's Day Classic in remembrance of his sister Mary who passed away from breast cancer in 2012, at age 44.

Angie's Story

Angie, a single mother, and student, received a life changing diagnosis at 39 years old. Before she turned 40, Angie found out she had stage 3 aggressive breast cancer. 

Sarina's Story

Sarina is passionate about raising awareness of breast cancer and she wants people to know that in the biggest challenge of your life, it’s people and relationships that matter the most.

Mary's Story

At age 25 I was diagnosed with breast cancer.  At such a young age, and with no family history of the disease, I couldn't believe how this could happen to me. It was by sheer fluke that I happened to find the lump one day.


My mum passed away of breast cancer at only 34 years of age and I was 10 years old. From this experience I am passionate about sharing my message of learning how to deal with loss and grief and how to live your life to the full after loss.
In the past 12 years I have done 10 runs, contributed donations, and bought merchandise for MDC.

Unfortunately, my story is all too common but with the support from events like the MDC, hopefully one day cancer will just be a star sign. 


My connection to ovarian cancer came via my younger sister Lauren. She was diagnosed with Stage 3 ovarian cancer in August 2021, following removal of a large ovarian cyst, where her ovary was also removed. She received immediate treatment, which saw her cancer free for a couple of months in early 2022, but ultimately the cancer was aggressive and returned.

She passed away just under 12 months from her diagnosis. She was 38 years old.


Growing up I used to walk the Mother's Day classic with my family for my beautiful Nan who has had breast cancer twice. Since then, I have been diagnosed on two occasions with a rare form of ovarian cancer called a Sertoli-Leydig Cell Tumour. Although my condition was rare and not as typically life-threatening as many others with ovarian cancer, it has become an important part of my life to raise funds and awareness for an early detection test, so that, like me, other women can get treated before it is too late. 


Being a community ambassador for Mother’s Day Classic (MDC) is a personal and meaningful commitment for me. I’ve witnessed the devastating impact of cancer on my female loved ones over the years.

Seeing family members and friends either courageously fight, or sadly lose their battles against breast cancer has shown me the urgency of the cause and the importance of contributing funds for research into finding solutions so fewer women have to go through this.


My first Mother Day Classic event was in 2017, the same year I was diagnosed with DCIS and underwent a double mastectomy.

I was 26 and shocked to have been diagnosed so young.

Luckily, early detection meant I did not have to have chemo or radiation. From my own story, I have made it a priority to be a champion for early detection.

The Mother Day Classic has allowed me to share this message and support to the community that means so much to me.

The more we can invest into research, the more lives saved.


In 2021, I suffered the unbearable loss of losing my best friend, also called Sarah, to ovarian cancer.

Friends for 25 years, each other's bridesmaids, there for all the ups and downs of life and my ride or die.

Sarah passed away far too young at the age of 45, and left behind a loving husband and two beautiful children.

No one should have to go through that grief, and watch someone you love so much not be able to access treatment options because there are so little available.

Funding ovarian cancer research is cruicial to find life saving options for women and girls.


I received my breast cancer diagnosis while I was pregnant and already had a baby at home.

Being at the Mother's Day Classic, I remember for the first time since my diagnosis that I felt seen. 

Up until this point, I didn't know any else with a breast cancer diagnosis. At the event there was a feeling of togetherness, a shared knowingness. It was a real turning point in my breast cancer journey.

If I could go back and tell my old self at the beginning of my diagnosis, I would tell her: It's ok to let go, you will find yourself again. You are stronger than you can imagine.


I remember my mum training to run her first 10km in the Canberra Mother's Day Classic many years ago and cheering her on as she crossed the finish line.

She would always say how important keeping active was for both her mental and physical health.

I too have benefited from using physical exercise as a tool to feel strong through tough times.

I am a passionate Community Ambassador for the Mother's Day Classic as it combines pushing yourself to run or walk whilst raising money and awareness for such an amazing cause.

Now, every year I run for mum.


I was diagnosed with breast cancer in October 2021, at the age of 36 with no family history or risk factors.

I've been through two surgeries, six months of chemo, six weeks of radiation and hormone therapy.

I'm so passionate about raising money for this cause and raising awareness among women who, like myself, may not think they are at risk of breast cancer. My advice? Complete self checks, and see your doctor if you are concerned.

I love that MDC brings the community together! MDC provides the perfect platform - combining exercise and awareness - to educate, inform and fundraise!


My beautiful sister Rachel was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer in 2015, and passed away this January, aged 53. I am so grateful for our time together and the adventures we shared.

Rachel was a passionate advocate and research participant. We often talked about the importance of its long-term impact on everyone in the community.

Rachel's greatest wish was for ovarian cancer research funding to increase, and support increased survival rates.

We were so excited to see MDC embrace OCRF, and I'm so proud to step forward as a Community Ambassador on Rachel's behalf, and with her in my heart.


I was diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian cancer in December 2022 at the age of 43. 

When detected and treated early, approximately 90% of women will survive beyond five years, however without an early detection test, over 70% of people, like me, are diagnosed at an advanced stage and that has a survival rate of 20-25%. 

We need a way to detect ovarian cancer before it has spread, and to delay and treat recurrences.

I am so excited that MDC has broadened their coverage to help raise awareness of Ovarian Cancer and fundraise for research. I wish for a better journey for any woman that follows me on this path.


I have been running the MDC since 2014. I am passionate about this event and being a community ambassador to raise as much awareness and funds as possible towards breast cancer research.

In the past 20 years, I have known many many women who have been touched, scarred or taken by breast cancer.

Some have been acquaintances, some have been really close to me.

Since becoming a mum myself almost 2 years ago, it has become even more important to me.

It blows my mind that for how high the survival rate is, that it’s still the number 1 cancer killer in women.


Last year, I received the news that everybody dreads. I had breast cancer. At 32 years old, with two young children, my world crumbled.

I was incredibly lucky that we caught it early, and I've now finished an aggressive treatment plan!

I am passionate about spreading awareness and coming together to offer support, comfort and love.


After being diagnosed in 2018 and going through treatment, I see more and more young women being diagnosed with breast cancer.

I want to do everything I can to stop this horrible disease by raising awareness and giving women the chance to beat it.

Now I am a mum myself, it means even more to me.


The Mother’s Day Classic has been a tradition since I was born. I have always loved the spirit of the event, bringing the community together, and raising funds for such a vital cause.

MDC has taught me that difficult topics such as breast cancer should not be taboo, and through awareness and engagement we can help to mitigate the number of lives lost to this devastating disease.


I have been attending the Mother’s Day Classic every year since I was a baby, so it has always been a big part of my life.

Becoming a community ambassador and helping to raise money for breast cancer research allowed me to become even closer to this event which means so much to me and my family, and is making a difference to the lives of those affected by breast cancer.


It was 2005 when I started speaking initially on behalf of the National Breast Cancer Foundation, and one of the first gigs I did was a breakfast for Women in Super as part of the lead up to that year’s Mother’s Day Classic. After that they kindly asked me to speak at the event and to introduce the minute’s silence.

Well, all these years on we’re still together and this year is my 17th event – unfortunately Covid got in the way one year and in another, it coincided with the passing of my Mum and I didn’t manage to walk.

As you all know as such wonderful supporters of the event, it’s an extraordinary experience full of love, joy, tears and a celebration of life, as well as a fabulous fundraiser.


My mother was diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer. Thanks to a very thorough gastroenterologist, it was found early. Unfortunately, though she tried many forms of treatments, nothing helped. There is no early detection test for ovarian cancer but it’s my hope that by the time my daughters need it, there is.

There are few symptoms of ovarian cancer and those that exist are vague - fatigue, distended or bloated stomach, weight gain. They also vary in patients which makes it even harder to detect.

Mum had such a beautiful outlook and while everything seemed incredibly unfair, she was so grateful to have the time with her grandchildren that she did and to have lived the life she had.


I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2011 with no history in the family. I made a promise to my daughter Catherine that I will raise awareness and vital funds each year to achieve the goal of zero deaths from breast cancer by the time she is 25 years old in the year 2030.

Given my breast cancer was found with an ultrasound and not a mammogram, I have the added goal of educating women to include an ultrasound as part of a regular mammogram check. 

I am a proud ambassador and along with my husband Jeff, Catherine and an amazing group of family and friends, we pound the pavement each year to honour those special friends we have lost over the years and ones touched by it. It’s a special day and one etched in our calendars.


I was diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer in May 2023. At the time I was a seemingly healthy, busy mum of two young boys. The last year has been an emotional and physically taxing rollercoaster ride but feeling lucky the treatment has worked. I will finish treatment 3 days before this year’s MDC and will proudly be walking with my family on 12 May, the day I was diagnosed a year earlier.

I have been very lucky to have incredible family and friends to help me through. Cancer doesn’t just happen to you, it takes over the whole family. 

While I am eager to move forward, I will never forget the kindness our family was shown and now want to do what I can to give back. I’m passionate about raising awareness and supporting other young women whose lives are turned upside down from breast cancer.


I support the Mothers Day Classic every year, to bring awareness to Breast Cancer and raise funds for life saving research. I’m a survivor because of research! 


MDC gives me the opportunity to honour my mum's memory, raise money and share the day with my dad who has participated with me every year since our first event in 2012!


Going through my own breast cancer challenge, I now know how imperative these fundraisers are for research and pathways moving forward.


What I love about the Mother's Day Classic is that it’s not just survivors; it’s family members and friends all coming together. I also love that it gives us survivors a chance to have fun and be proud of our achievements.


My dream is that when a woman is diagnosed, she will have access to every possible treatment available to her, and that she does not have to been concerned with the question of been able to afford that treatment or not.

No one should ever have to put a price on what their life is worth.


I was diagnosed at age 45 with stage 2 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. Thanks to self-examination and early detection, it bettered my prognosis.

Through education and raising awareness, which of course is extremely important to me, my wish is that we decrease the number of deaths from breast cancer, and help other women detect changes early. 


I am passionate about being a community ambassador for the MDC because the event is critical for raising awareness and funds for research into breast and ovarian cancer.

As a breast cancer survivor, the MDC provides me with so much hope for the future as support for the event grows every year.


I am passionate about being a MDC Ambassador as I am a three-time breast cancer survivor and without events like these raising money and awareness, I wouldn’t be here.

Early detection saves lives, as do funds for medical research and development.

I absolutely love being a part of this amazing community event!


My mum was a hero, and I want to keep her spirit alive.

My mum Louise passed away from ovarian cancer in 2010, after being diagnosied three years beforehand.

Sadly, it was picked up too late and had spread by the time she was diagnosed. She was fighting the odds of survival.

I want to share her story to raise awareness and funding so that we can have testing and better treatment options so that families and friends do not keep losing our loved ones.


My personal connection to MDC is where my passion for running started, and my love for this event and what it represents was ignited.

The connection of community, family and support has had me supporting for 14 years, both individually and in group efforts. Supported by my family, starting with my children and continuing with my granddaughter.

Such a wonderful cause, with support and awareness for such a devastating disease.

I run for many, but in particular my sister-in-law who was lucky to be diagnosed early and treated.


I love to hear from other survivors and share my own experiences as a 35-year-old being diagnosed with Stage 3A invasive ductal carcinoma in 2020. I know how important it is to raise awareness, advocate for yourself and learn what your own body's normal is.

I walked in the Mother's Day classic in 2023, and my team 'Boobie Brigade' raised over $8000. I received so many messages from people within my network saying thank you - they'd never checked their breasts before and my story had made a difference in their lives and that they know now breast cancer can affect young women too.


At the start of this year, my mother received the diagnosis of a rare form of breast cancer.

At the time, I was exploring New Zealand and she was receiving treatment in the United Kingdom. I found myself on the other side of the world, unable to provide the support and care she needed.

I participated in Brisbane's MDC event and it was incredible! So many people came together for a great cause.


My reason for doing the Mother’s Day Classic is because I was diagnosed with BRCA1 breast cancer in 2013 when I was 33. I am now 10 years clear and want to try to help raise as much as I can so I can help raise awareness and support others going though the disease.


I am a 7 and a half year survivor of Stage 4 ovarian cancer. I have been cancer free for close to 7 years. I know that there is a reason for me being alive and that one thing, I believe, is to help other women with ovarian cancer. I want to raise money and awareness so that the survival rate is a lot higher than 49 per cent!


As a long time participant of the MDC, I have always loved the sense of community and support this event provides.

Now as a breast cancer survivor myself, I am passionate about doing more to support this wonderful event as a community ambassador.


Many years ago, I lost a dear friend and cycling companion to breast cancer. She was a wonderful support, helping me with both track and road cycling as a commissaire. Her friendship continues to live on in me. Thank you, Helen.


From July 2021 to Feb 2023, I undertook an operation, radiation, and 30 rounds of chemotherapy.

I was very hopeful I'd be physically up to the MDC walk and was fortunate to have my friends come along and walk beside me.

This event isn't just about fundraising, it's about joy and inspiration that can never be underestimated. I am so proud to be an ambassador.


I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in my 20s, and now, I am a 35-year-long survivor. Ovarian cancer research is very dear to my family's heart. We hold yearly fundraisers and have raised thousands of dollars.

The collaboration between MDC and OCRF is amazing and proven to be so successful with the funds raised in the first year. May this collaboration continue!


I walk in honor of my mum, Annie. I joined the Mother’s Day Classic to raise awareness and funds for ovarian cancer research in her memory.

She passed away after a short but brave five-month battle with this silent disease, which often goes undetected until it's too late.

My hope is that more women can become aware of the signs and symptoms and that further research can lead to better treatment outcomes in the future.


My sister has been battling ovarian cancer for the last four years. I'm a Community Ambassador for the Mother's Day Classic because I'm personally invested in raising awareness of ovarian cancer, and in turn, increasing funding to research.


The reason we started the MDC is that my wife Sara was diagnosed with breast cancer in January of 2012. She thought rather than spending money on breakfast or lunch, lets donate it and our time. Our first year she was undergoing chemo, so we were very slow but determined to finish the 4km walk even if we needed to carry her. She had finished treatment in 2013 so we continued our support. Unfortunately in October of 2013 she was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer in her liver and lungs. She passed away in March of 2014.

Family and friends rallied around us and we, in her honour, have been doing the MDC ever since, raising over $60,000. The team has varied in size and I have gone from a 4km walk to an 8km run and then doing the walk as well.

Being a community ambassador has been important to help with research funding and getting the word out. We have appeared in local papers and I have spoken at the event a few times.


Seeing family members and friends being diagnosed with breast cancer or other types of cancer and undertaking treatment reminds us of the little things in life that we so often take for granted.

Each year on Mother’s Day, I choose to give back my thanks for being healthy, while remembering those who are fighting some of the biggest challenges of their life. Those who are bravely going through the cancer treatment to give survival the best chance, and those who have lost a loved one.

Being able to save one or more lives through ongoing cancer research and treatments is priceless. I remind myself each day how blessed I am to be free of cancer or never have personally experienced it.


When my younger sister Sophie first told me the devastating news that she had been diagnosed with an aggressive breast cancer last May, I quickly realised I needed to put that devastation into supporting Soph and her boys and I made it my job last year to help her in anyway I possibly could, from taking her to her weekly chemo sessions to providing her with some ‘light’ and fun activities amongst the darkness of all the hospital visits. Soph has been a total inspiration, keeping a smile on her face even on her worst days.

I wish no woman had to go through what Soph and so many other women face following a breast or ovarian cancer diagnosis, but knowing the Mother’s Day Classic is putting all its energy and resources into researching and trying to find a cure is such a comfort. I’m proud to be an ambassador for Mother’s Day Classic 2024 and this year I’ll be walking for Soph and other close family members affected by breast cancer.


My mother's breast cancer diagnosis at 41 shook me to the core and sparked a fear that sat with me through my teenage years. At just 16, I found myself mentally preparing for a similar fate. Fast forward to 2015, with two children of my own and only 31 years old, I decided to explore the genetic aspect of our family's battle. After my mum and aunt both faced their own fights, genetic testing became a crucial step for several family members, revealing that I carried the BRCA2 gene mutation.

Confirming what I had feared for so long felt like facing an inevitable reality. However, just as I was coming to terms with this, a surprise pregnancy delayed my screening process. In 2021, I made the decision to undergo a double mastectomy and reconstruction, followed by nipple surgery and tattooing to reclaim a sense of wholeness. Now, I'm in the process of having my ovaries removed, completing the puzzle of my medical journey.

As another aunt enters her own battle, the importance of these surgeries has only become more apparent. Despite the challenges, finding strength and solace within the MDC community has been invaluable. Each person's journey is unique, yet we come together to support and uplift one another. Being part of this community fills me with pride and reinforces my determination to take control of my health and future.


My mum, Louise Megaloconomos, died of ovarian cancer in 2010. Being a Community Ambassador for MDC is one way I can keep mum's spirit alive and contribute in an active way to save other women's lives.


I have been part of the MDC since primary school. I decided to run in 2024 to raise funds for breast cancer research. This decision came after a close woman in my life was diagnosed in 2019. She is an amazing woman who fought hard against cancer and won. I saw how a cancer diagnosis affected her and those around her. She tried to stay strong for everyone. I love the MDC and the support it gives. I am glad they now also focus on ovarian cancer research, which needs more funding!


My journey with this event began in 2012 after I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer at 28. That experience taught me the importance of early detection and resilience. 

As a cancer survivor, I aim to raise awareness and support research initiatives. The Mother’s Day Classic is more than just a run for me – it’s a way to honor survivors, remember loved ones, and contribute to a life-changing cause. 

Each year, I involve my family, making it a meaningful tradition while promoting the event on social media to encourage others to join. Together, we can take steps toward a cancer-free world. Let’s run, walk, and celebrate life!


I first joined the MDC in 2017, after losing my mum to breast cancer. With a family history of the disease, I always feared my own diagnosis. That came in November 2024, when I found a lump under my armpit. After tests in December, I was shocked to learn it was cancer, though I thought it was just an inflamed lymph node.

I’m currently undergoing weekly chemotherapy (7th of 16 sessions), followed by surgery, radiation, and reconstruction.

Each year, I run the 8km MDC in Geelong, where I live, in honour of my mum and everyone affected by breast cancer. This year, due to the fatigue from treatment, I’ll be walking the 4km—but I’ll still be there, for Mum and now for myself.


Since losing my beautiful mum, Karen, to breast cancer in 2010, the Mother's Day Classic walk has held a special place in my heart. Knowing that you are surrounded by people who have been touched by breast cancer in one way or another is pretty powerful and I feel it is an empowering way to honour my mum. From bake sales, to events, or participating on the day I am passionate about bringing awareness through community and togetherness.


I'm Gina, 23, and in July 2023, my sister and best friend, Antoinette, was diagnosed with Stage 4 Ovarian Cancer. She fought bravely for six months before we tragically lost her in January 2024 at just 26 years old.

Ovarian cancer has deeply impacted my family, especially since we had no history of it, and Antoinette was so young. In those six months, I learned more about women’s health than ever before and realized how much awareness is needed for OC. I want to help educate others and raise awareness about this devastating disease.

I will continue to spread awareness for my sister, and MDC has been the perfect way to start.


My journey began in 2020 at 33, when I was 12 weeks pregnant with my second IVF baby and diagnosed with TNBC. I underwent 16 rounds of chemo while pregnant and had a lumpectomy. I finished chemo at 36 weeks and delivered my baby boy four days later, followed by a year of oral chemo. Now, I have yearly mammograms and quarterly check-ups.

I will continue to share my story and raise awareness about the importance of breast self-checks.


In 2024, I was able to walk with my friend Kylie, her family, and my husband, Riaad. It was a monumental moment, and I credit Kylie for saving my life by teaching us the importance of self-checks.

I’m passionate about raising awareness for self-checks and supporting research for a cure, hoping for a future where no one has to worry about this disease. 

I’m grateful for the support from my family, friends, and school community. The kindness I received made me appreciate the people around me. My pink campaigns lifted my spirits, and to those supporting me in my recovery, I’m eternally thankful. Recovery is a long process, but I’ve learned to find gratitude in everyday moments.

Step into action as a community ambassador

Passionate about sharing your story and raising awareness? We’d love to have you join our crew of Community Ambassadors across Australia. Becoming a Community Ambassador is a volunteer position with many ways to get involved including:


Promoting Mother's Day Classic on social media


Speaking to local TV and radio stations


Sharing your story 


Participating in events


Register now

to raise funds and awareness for vital breast and ovarian cancer research