Billies bandits

Supporting Breast Cancer Research

I'm putting my foot down to stop breast cancer in its tracks!

Support our efforts in the 2024 Mother’s Day Classic!

Our team is participating in the Mother's Day Classic, Sunday 12 May!

Hey friends,

Myself, Mum and my family, have decided to run in the Mother's Day Classic on May 12th. This event holds a special place in our hearts as we join together to support Breast Cancer Australia in honor of my late grandma and all our beloved family members and friends who have faced or are currently battling this relentless disease.


Breast cancer touches the lives of countless individuals and families worldwide. Every dollar raised through initiatives like the Mother's Day Classic play an important role in funding research and bringing us closer to a cure. With each donation, we take a step forward in the fight against this disease.


Your support means more to us than words can express. Whether it's through a donation, or a word of encouragement, we are immensely grateful for every gesture of support, no matter how big or small.


I’d you’d like to make a donation towards this special cause, please follow the link below.


As we run together on May 12th, we will carry with us the memories of our loved ones and the shared commitment to making a difference.


Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Thank you to our Sponsors




Jocelyn Saunders

Go team


Me Bank

Doing good feels good


Granny T

Billies bandits have my support xxx


Michaela Cann

Chocolate fundraising


Me Bank

Doing good feels good


Micky Cann

Chocolate fundraising (so far!!)


Caitlyn Wernert

Super proud of you all 🫶🏼


Neville& Helve

Hope the run goes great Micky. Glad we can give you some support. Love Poppa & Grandma


Carlier Family

Go Team Billie's Bandits. Your initiative, courage & fitness are to be applauded.


Roz !

Cheering you on Jocelyn!! You’ve got this!


Maggie Nooy



Laura Ashton

Best of luck for such a great cause!


Libby Hemming

Go team! So proud


Emily Olsen

Go team!!! 💪🏼 proud of you all xxx




Chris Walker

Go Jocelyn….love Chris




Gary Flesher

Good luck Geoff and family