
Supporting Breast Cancer Research

I'm putting my foot down to stop breast cancer in its tracks!

We did it!

I walked alone. Actually, I worked with thousands of people - men, women and children. We were all walking for a noble cause - to raise awareness and funding for research for breast cancer and ovarian cancer, which has claimed the lives of many! I am sharing a few pictures from the event. There were light showers, but there is nothing like doing this walk in the heart of Sydney city!

A different Mother's Day tradition this year

I am humbled and honoured by the support shown by my friends and family as I go on this walk on Mother's Day. On this day, I am usually woken up by my children, who take the extra effort to love on my even more. Instead of the Good morning hug in the morning, I might get breakfast which is not a usual thing for me. I would get a thoughtful gift that I paid for my son to get at the stalls, because he gives a lot of importance to this day, where he is intentional about putting me first. 

This Mother's Day though, I will be up and travelling over an hour to the city, long before they are awake. I would come back and enjoy the day with the boys, but this year, I am taking time to walk in memory of Anu, who lost her battle to cancer on this earth, but is smiling forever!

Join me either for the walk, or in donating towards the research that goes into breast and ovarian cancer.

In memory of Anu

My meeting with Anu happened almost 25 years after I met her sister Suma. Suma and I were friends from college. We kept in touch, and met at different times over the years in USA and Australia.

Late last year, after my return from my trip to USA, I met Anu for the first time, when I heard of her current health challenges. I remember thinking why it never occurred to me to reach out to her years back when she first came to Australia.

The first time I met her, I remember that she did not smile much. Possibly because of pain and so many other things going through her mind and physically body. Soon after, we started communicating over Whatsapp. What I noticed almost immediately is how this lady had a smile in every message they she sent. Inspite of all that she was going through, she exuded a joy that she spread with everyone who was in touch with her.

I  remember the day when she told me that the hospital here in Sydney had told her that there was nothing more that they could do, and all they recommended was taking painkillers.

Anu breathed her last on this earth a few weeks later, in the presence of her beloved husband who ministered her for years, and rest of her family who had flown in from different parts of the world.

Anu is healed and whole, smiling as always, in the presence of her Saviour. Her life on this earth was too short. I personally wish that I had met her earlier.

This year, when I saw the notification of the Mother's Day Classic, I knew that I had to do this in memory of Anu, who lost her battle with cancer on this earth. This Mother's Day, Sunday 12th May, I will be walking to raise funds towards research, in support of breast and ovarian cancer. 

If you are free, do join me for the walk. Together we can raise awareness and funds to save women’s lives. 

Support my efforts in the 2024 Mother’s Day Classic!

On Sunday 12 May, I'm putting my foot down to save lives.

I'll be lacing up my running shoes and taking a step forward for women's cancer research, and I'd really love your support!

I’m joining the Mother’s Day Classic to help raise funds and awareness to fight breast and ovarian cancers.  

Tragically, 12 Australians lose their lives to these awful diseases every day. 

I’m asking you to do more than just stand with me but to support me as I walk, run, and move till we’re done. 

Please make a donation today to support my challenge. There’s only one way to stop breast and ovarian cancers - together!

For more information on how your donations will make a difference, please click here.

Thank you for your support.

My Achievements

Set fundraising target

Added profile pic

Invite a friend

Shared on social

Sent an email

First donation

Raised $100

Raised $250

Raised $500

Reached my goal

Thank you to my Sponsors



Deeply moved by your kind gesture. Thankyou Reeba!






Reeba Ninan


Riya Jacob

Thank you chechy for doing this. Anu has spread that love and smile to all of us. Let’s do this in honour of her. Wish I had met her earlier too. Anu dear, Ur loved and missed ❤️


Liz N

Love this & love you.


Bindu Joe

Great gesture 🙏🏼


Imee Anciano

What a loving act to honour the loss of your dear friend. Go Reeba!


Merin Bineesh

Nice work Reeba, for a great cause!