Supporting Breast Cancer Research

I'm putting my foot down to stop breast cancer in its tracks!

Support our efforts in the 2024 Mother’s Day Classic!

Our team is participating in the Mother's Day Classic, Sunday 12 May!

Together, we'll be lacing up our running shoes and taking a step forward for women's cancer research, and we'd really love your support!

We're walking the talk and joining the Mother’s Day Classic to help raise funds and awareness to fight breast and ovarian cancers.  

Tragically, 12 Australians lose their lives to these awful diseases every day. 

Please make a donation today to support our team. There’s only one way to stop breast and ovarian cancers - together!

Thank you for supporting our team.

Thank you to our Sponsors




Brett Garland


Nicole And Russell Allen

You got this team Katie... Although we can't be there with you on the day, we will be walking with you in spirit.




Mitch & Sarah Davis

We will be with all the way 💪🏻


Karen Kentwell

I ran this in the early years of the event! Pace yourself. Its a very emotional event so dont be surprised if you get a lot of tingles along the way. Best of luck.


Tricsha Harrington

Kick that f****r to the curb. Go Katy, Ava and Jasper xxx


Tony & Leanne Horner


Robyn Atkinson

I love you. ❤️


Belle Barling

Strength and love 🩷 The Barlings xx


Vicki Lagon

Go Katy go! I'll be supporting you in spirit xoxox


Rebecca Boss


Denise & Kerry Garland

Can’t be there for your walk Katy but I’m sure Ava & Jasper & all your amazing friends & family will be right there with you. Den & Kerry xx


Julie Moore


Alexander Millard

Go Team Katy


Debbie .malcolm And Family Macvean

With you Katy


The Firths

Go Team Katy ✨💕


Jessica Shepheard

Thinking of you Katy, you’ve got this Mumma xo


Dianne Lamb

With you in spirit Katy. Thinking of you stay positive. Xxx


Patricia Davis

Great cause. Go the Davis’s


Sam Burbury

Kick its butt 💪 you’ve got this Katy. Love Sam & Alana


Nicole Powell


Chris Newman



Proud of you my darling girl xxx


Rols And Ren Lefevre

Together we will walk through the storm and into the sunshine sweetheart!


Apps Family

Go Katy!


Liz Jones

Stay strong Katy ❤️


Jess, Matt, Indie & Benji Xx

Go girl!! 💜


Melissa Vann

Love u katy, love ur Vann Fam Mel Ilara Elias Rudi xxx




Jess Arckless


Hannah Roy

Go Mum!!!







Erin Ritchie


Rhiannon And Jason Scorah

Go team Davis! Xx


Katy Garland


Rebecca Mahon


Gillian Stapleton


Kaila Murnain

Thinking of you xx


Willow & Phoebe Bradbury



Team Katy ♥️


Rachel C


Carol Dawson

Very proud of you.


Shan Richardson

Let’s go Team Katy!


Sally Atkinson

Go Katy!


Lester Donges


Gill Stapleton



Tracey Murchie

Love you Katy girl❤️


Jaz Breust

You’ve got this katy!🩷🩷🩷


Bel Coppin


Dean Murphy

Smash it !


Sheree Bell


Beth And Rob Tabboule


Tricsha Harrington

Go Ava xxx


Tricsha Harrington

Go Jasper xxx



Go shaz xx


Makenzie And James Warton

Go Aunty Katy💕 we love you!!


Nicole Cox


Bec Nesnidal

Right behind you!!


Gillian Stapleton


Jaz Breust


Helen Newman

All power to you Katy. You are incredible xxxx


Cath & John

We can't walk the steps with you but you are in our hearts 💖 Go, go Katy!


Cath & John

We are with you in spirit, Judy, & thinking of loved ones lost. Thank you for walking!


Terry Hawkins

Brave family supporting a brave mummy.


Terry Hawkins

Brave children supporting a brave mummy.


Anne Halliday


Judith Smith


Erin Smith


Cat Smith

Wayne C

Jace T

Annabelle T

Lyla T

Jeffrey W

Kelvin W

Catherine S

Bailey B

Kobi B

Charlotte W

Brooklyn B

Lilah B