Team Tiny

Supporting Breast and Ovarian Cancer Research

Support our efforts in the 2025 Mother’s Day Classic!

Our team is participating in the Mother's Day Classic, Sunday 11 May!

Together, we'll be lacing up our running shoes and taking a step forward for women's cancer research, and we'd really love your support!

We're walking the talk and joining the Mother’s Day Classic to help raise funds and awareness to fight breast and ovarian cancers.

Tragically, every day in Australia 63 people diagnosed and 12 lose their lives to breast or ovarian cancer.

Please make a donation today to support our team. There’s only one way to stop breast and ovarian cancers - together!

Thank you for supporting our team.

We've donated so far...

$46.1 million

Since 1998 to the National Breast Cancer Foundation.

$1.2 million

Since 2024 to the Ovarian Cancer research Foundation

Thank you to our Sponsors


Lukshman Goonesekera

I am happy to support the vital work being carried out by ovarian and breast cancer research teams across the world. Wishing you every success in your ongoing research efforts.



Keep up the good work.


Menaka Friend


Debbie And Chris

Every step to a better tomorrow😘


Anrida Abeywickrema

Keep up the good work Nangi!


Tracey Lefebure


Andrew Danks

Go Thinesh!!


David Kennedy

Great effort Thinesh, hope the day goes well for you. I'll be thinking of you on the day.



Great to see you continuing on another year, Wasana. “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” All the very best !!!


Joan Fitzpatrick



Hanan Girgis

Great job


John Roberts

A great cause!


Annette Abeysinghe


Kavita Duggal



I am so proud of you, Wasana. You inspire me!


Jane Bell

Thinesh, great initiative and good luck


Rudi Perera

Great cause. Keep up the good work Ymara Akki


Nethmi & Charinda Dissanayake

We are so proud that you continue to do this! You inspire us all!! All the very best x




Stuart Donaldson

Well done Thinesh


Margaret Magee

Best Wishes for the Mother's Day Classic!



Proud of you 🫶🏽


Theshi Navaratnam


Gune, Nileshi & Liyan


Kumudu Kurera

All good wishes Nangi


Ash Abeywickrema

Good luck Ammi! Xx


Olly Jones

A wonderful cause- well done Dinesh


Anishka Abeysinghe



Keep up the good work!



Hi Thinesh, What a wonderful effort you are contributing to for an important cause. Wishing you lightness of feet on the day and an enjoyable trek. Sincerely, Michelle


Rick Taranto

Well done.

Tiana C

Tiara C

Ryan J

Don J

claudia w

indika w

imani w

Dona P

Jeremy P

Jason P

Duminda P

Delaine P

Darius F

Keanu F

Kiara F

Flynn C