Supporting Breast and Ovarian Cancer Research

I'm putting my foot down to stop breast and ovarian cancers in their tracks!

Support my efforts in the 2024 Mother’s Day Classic!

On Sunday 12 May, I'm putting my foot down to save lives.

I'll be lacing up my running shoes and taking a step forward for women's cancer research, and I'd really love your support!

I’m joining the Mother’s Day Classic to help raise funds and awareness to fight breast and ovarian cancers.  

Tragically, 12 Australians lose their lives to these awful diseases every day. 

I’m asking you to do more than just stand with me but to support me as I walk, run, and move till we’re done. 

Please make a donation today to support my challenge. There’s only one way to stop breast and ovarian cancers - together!

For more information on how your donations will make a difference, please click here.

Thank you for your support.

My Achievements

Set fundraising target

Added profile pic

Invite a friend

Shared on social

Sent an email

First donation

Raised $100

Raised $250

Raised $500

Reached my goal

Thank you to my Sponsors


Jaymie Vernall

You are amazing Marie! xo


Lara Stoneman

So proud of you Auntie Ri


Steve Baker

You never fail to impress me with your drive and determination. Your Mum would be immensely proud of the woman you are. Keep on running, help raise funds for this horrible disease and don't let it catch you.


Marie Baker


Melanie Rowbottom

Getting in at the last minute to wish you all the very best for your run today Marie. Happy Mother’s Day xxx


Matt Baker

Enjoy the run Mum, great cause!


Luci Wright

Go Marie 💕💕💕💕


Paul Douglas

Love you Aunty Ri


Debra Gillett


Rhonda And Dennis

You are inspirational dear friend 💕


Dan Baker

I don't need to wish you good luck because I know you will nail this. Sending much love to you and Nanna Loveday xXx


Wayner Carter

Well done on your run & fundraising in memory of your Mum. X X Anne and Wayne



Have a great run💗


Donna X

Well done Marie! xx


Simon Smith

Good on you Marie - great cause run well…


Vicki Shepherd

Enjoy the run Marie & congratulations on your fundraising. V & S xx




Cindy Dymock

Well done, Marie. Looking fabulous again.