Mary Doyle

Supporting Breast Cancer Research

I'm putting my foot down to stop breast cancer in its tracks!

Support my efforts in the 2024 Mother’s Day Classic!

On Sunday 12 May, I'm putting my foot down to save lives.

On 1st of December 1995 I was given the news that I had breast cancer, at the age of just 25.  I'd found a lump, quite by accident, about a month beforehand, but I went straight to the GP that day, even though I wasn't panicked about it at all.  But I thought I'd better get it checked out ASAP.  I'm so glad I did, as it turned out to be cancer, and I was very fortunate I had caught it early enough that it hadn't spread.  Others diagnosed with breast cancer aren't as fortunate, and this is why I joined in the very first Mother's Day Classic in 1998 in Melbourne and walked with a couple of thousand others that day.  And have continued every year since, save for the odd occasions when pregnancies, ill-health and Covid-19 prevented me!

I'll be lacing up my sneakers and taking a step forward for women's cancer research, and I'd really love your support!

Once again, I’m joining the Mother’s Day Classic to help raise funds and awareness to fight breast and ovarian cancers.  

Tragically, 12 Australians lose their lives to these awful diseases every day. 

I’m asking you to do more than just stand with me but to support me as I walk, run, dance, and move till we’re done. 

Please make a donation today to support my challenge.  There’s only one way to stop breast and ovarian cancers - together!

For more information on how your donations will make a difference, please click here.

Thank you so much for your support.

My Achievements

Set fundraising target

Added profile pic

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First donation

Raised $100

Raised $250

Raised $500

Reached my goal

Thank you to my Sponsors


Mary Doyle