Team Carolyn

Supporting Breast Cancer Research

Support our efforts in the 2025 Mother’s Day Classic!

Our team is participating in the Mother's Day Classic, Sunday 11 May!

Together, we'll be lacing up our running shoes and taking a step forward for women's cancer research, and we'd really love your support!

We're walking the talk and joining the Mother’s Day Classic to help raise funds and awareness to fight breast and ovarian cancers.

Tragically, every day in Australia 63 people diagnosed and 12 lose their lives to breast or ovarian cancer.

Please make a donation today to support our team. There’s only one way to stop breast and ovarian cancers - together!

Thank you for supporting our team.

We've donated so far...

$46.1 million

Since 1998 to the National Breast Cancer Foundation.

$1.2 million

Since 2024 to the Ovarian Cancer research Foundation

Thank you to our Sponsors


Amanda Barker

Go Team Carolyn!


Tony Horner

Hey Chook hope this helps your cause xx


Amanda Tomlin

Hi Sharon, After fighting BC myself and being blown away with the superior care I received I can only wonder what lies ahead in terms of research! My grade 3 stage 2 diagnosis I expected more hell than I received.. this is due to BC research and new treatment modalities.. I don’t even lose my hair during chemo! Let’s all dig in and make the journey better for us all xx


Erica Thomas

You are amazing Michelle, my dear old friend xx


Torrent Clan

Good on you Michelle ❤️


Wilma Jeffers

You are amazing Michelle - what a wonderful cause in memory of someone so special to you x


Tanya F


Patricia Tregenzs

Such a wonderful tribute to your beautiful friend 💜


Meagan Daniels


Cindy Mcnear


Leanne Hargrave


Sue Brown

You go Girl. Xx 🌸 🩷


Michelle Flanigan

For my beautiful best friend


Shaz Cheeseman


Linda Baptie

Thank you Shaz what a wonderful way to pay tribute and remember our gorgeous Caro - taken much too soon xx


Karen & Greg Cheeseman


Jacqui Allsop

So proud of you guys and all you achieve. You are amazing. Sending you all my love. 💕


Sylvia Horner


Troy Flanigan



Kathy Clarke




Annette Mellor


Linda Salleo

Great work Shaz


Jodi Duncan


Kellie Murphy


Danelle & Craig

Go Jodes 👏


Denise Dewing

Love your commitment to this every year x


The Flanno’s

Miss her SO much!


Elaine Chatterton

Good luck 😉


Fiona Taylor


Allyson Worthington

Good Luck Michelle 💜


Matt Farina



Great cause, well done x



Emilia P

Daniel B

Mitch B

Josh B

Kate B


Pauline B

Mark H

Sean F