SUPPORTING Breast Cancer Research
Support my efforts in the 2025 Mother's Day Classic!
On Sunday 11 May, I'm putting my foot down to save lives.
I’m joining the Mother’s Day Classic to help raise funds and awareness to fight breast and ovarian cancers.
Tragically, every day in Australia 63 people diagnosed and 12 lose their lives to breast or ovarian cancer.
I’m asking you to do more than just stand with me but to support me as I walk, run, and move till we’re done.
Please make a donation today to support my challenge. There’s only one way to stop breast and ovarian cancers - together!
For more information on how your donations will make a difference, please click here.
Thank you for your support.
We've donated so far...
$46.1 million
Since 1998 to the National Breast Cancer Foundation.
$1.2 million
Since 2024 to the Ovarian Cancer research Foundation
my achievements

(Raised $100)

(Raised $200)

(Raised $350)

(Raised $500)

(Raised $750)

Thank you to my Sponsors

Mann Group Vic Pty Ltd

Vets In Fawkner
Good luck Audrey! We are so proud of you ❤️

Russell Black

You’re smash it ❤️

Natalie Paterson

Bernedette Bonanno
Much love APD! A warrior like your mama ❤️

Good luck Aud!

Robyn Scalia

Kirsty Curwood
Awesome job Audrey 🩷🩷

Robyn Crowley

You got this girl!!

Mia Hunter
Good luck Zia! ❤️🫶🏻

Meg Vincent
Go you good thing 🤍🤍

Gemma Piantella

Oli Darwin Holthuyzen
this is so sweet auds bless !!!! xxxx

Lucy Durham
Way to go Audrey! So proud of you 😊

Lisa Whight


Molly S
you’re a star aud!! ⭐️🫶🏻

Bianca P

Angela Parrino
Go Audrey, you got this!!

Alex Di Blasi

Miranda Adams
Wooo go Audrey!

Good on you. ❤️

Ruby Tye

Luca Molinaro
Go Audrey!!

Isabella Ristevski
Smash it! ❤️

Bri Richards

Jen Pierakos

Zoe E
Well done Aud xx

Ilaria Barbanera

Reina Kim
You go girl!

Kate Robertson
Good luck Audrey!

Emilia Barone
Sending my love xx

Emily Micallef

Dee Laverack
