Mumzy Daughty Star

Supporting Breast Cancer Research

I'm putting my foot down to stop breast cancer in its tracks!

Support our efforts in the 2024 Mother’s Day Classic!

Our team is participating in the Mother's Day Classic, Sunday 12 May!

Together, we'll be lacing up our running shoes and taking a step forward for women's cancer research, and we'd really love your support!

We're walking the talk and joining the Mother’s Day Classic to help raise funds and awareness to fight breast and ovarian cancers.  

Tragically, 12 Australians lose their lives to these awful diseases every day. 

Please make a donation today to support our team. There’s only one way to stop breast and ovarian cancers - together!

Thank you for supporting our team.

Thank you to our Sponsors


Maureen Ryan

Well done Lee-Anne and team. All the best for your big annual walk.


Neveralone Solutions Pty Ltd - Uncle Brett


Patrick Elliott


Barbara Wilby


Lee-anne Murdoch


Noel Kelly

Well done on continue your support to a great cause. Enjoy the walk!


Alan Mcdowell

Wishing you all the best Lee-Anne, Catherine and Jeff - such a great cause and to help you keep your promise!


Colin Fagen


King Family

Hi Lee-Anne, With all our love to you, Catherine & Jeff. The King Family (Tam JK, Ryan & Alex)


Tony Kynaston


Stephen White

Well done Lee-Anne, Catherine and Jeff


Tracy Murrant

Love you , bosom buddy 😃


Bill & Selina Lezes

Well done Lee-Anne


Mike Crowley

Well done again Lee-Anne, Jeff & Catherine


Karen Milward

good luck Lee-Anne - you are truly amazing!


Don And Wendy

All the best for the day


Sue Purnell

Well done Lee-Anne on another year for such a great cause …proud of you 🥰


Mick Mathews

Great work Lee-Anne, Jeff and Catherine. All the very best.


Shaun Standfield


John Clark

a good cause


Anna Supple


Mick Curran

Good luck kids. My birthday overrides Mother’s Day this year!




Julie Bowie

All the best Lee-Anne. Fantastic work you continuously do for this cause.


Adrian Crouch


Tim Davis

You are an absolute champ Lee-Anne


Bjorn Baker Racing



All the best team Murdoch.



Way to go bestie- truly inspiring!!


Montana And Mark Pinto


Wayne & Carole Stafford

Go Lee-Anne. We love you, you are amazing 😘


Helen Cvjetan

You’re an amazing lady, Lee-Anne Wilson! Enjoy the run and hope you continue to your amazing support for breast and cervical cancer. Xxx


Mary Raftery

Well done on another year of fund raising for breast cancer research. You are amazing. Love Mary xx


Carlie Griggs

Go you good thing!!! xx


Ros Allen

Good luck & enjoy your walk. Lots of love, Ros, Geoff & family xxx


Sandra Langford

Love you. Sx


Mike And Louise

Great stuff Lee-Anne. Good luck with the walk.


Chris Loane


Kerri Haynes

Awesome commitment. Sending lots of love and support.


Teresa And Chris

You go Girl!! Love Figgy and T


Ben Neat


Margo Robertson

Bloody legend! Go Lee-Anne!


Debra Parkinson

You’re truly inspiring Lee-Anne!


Nellie Nehme

Catherine M