Patsy Mullen-Conolly

Supporting Breast Cancer Research

I'm putting my foot down to stop breast cancer in its tracks!

Support my efforts in the 2024 Mother’s Day Classic!

On Sunday 12 May, I'm putting my foot down to save lives.

I'll be lacing up my running shoes and taking a step forward for women's cancer research, and I'd really love your support!

I’m joining the Mother’s Day Classic to help raise funds and awareness to fight breast and ovarian cancers.  

Tragically, 12 Australians lose their lives to these awful diseases every day. 

I’m asking you to do more than just stand with me but to support me as I walk, run, and move till we’re done. 

Please make a donation today to support my challenge. There’s only one way to stop breast and ovarian cancers - together!

For more information on how your donations will make a difference, please click here.

Thank you for your support.

My Achievements

Set fundraising target

Added profile pic

Invite a friend

Shared on social

Sent an email

First donation

Raised $100

Raised $250

Raised $500

Reached my goal

Thank you to my Sponsors


Emily Wicks

Love from EPA


Cassie D

Strength to you Patsy and Mike, great event and cause - especially given you’re in the throes of kicking cancer at the moment x


Audrey Jinks

Reading your post hit me right in the feels. It's incredible how you and Mike are stepping up for the Mother's Day Classic walk, especially considering everything you've been through lately. Sue's memory and your own battle with cancer - it's heavy stuff, but you're facing it head-on with so much strength. I'm with you all the way. Count me in for a donation. Let's kick cancer's butt and make sure others have a fighting chance, just like you're doing. Rooting for you and Mike in the walk. You got this!


Mary Mullen



Onya mole. Have fun with the super sector!


Elizabeth Moran

Thinking of you and walking alongside you and Mike in spirit x


Hickey Family


Alison Schutt

Huge hugs!


David S


Renee Winterton And Johnsy Boys

Awesome Pats and Mike. You both know all too well the impact of this hideous disease. Bloody legends. We love you xx 😘


Amy Radford

Great work Pats :)


Hilary And Mike Edwards

Go Pats and Mike, this will be a doddle after what you’ve been through!


Jo & Simon Arnesen

Love you two, hope the sun is shining for you xx


Vaisnavi Aurubind


Patrick Subacius


Cait Wildman

It’s my pleasure to support you and MC. Sending ❤️


Rachael Cowdell

All the best for the walk 🤍



Well done Patsy!

